
**Each entry is priced at ₹29,000 (estimate based on current conversion rates)**

Best Agile Project

Awarded for the best software testing project in an agile environment.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Discussion of project goals, importance, achievements, and successful results
  • Verification of best practices included as part of the agile project
  • A clear understanding and evaluation of software testing/QA challenges in an agile environment and how these have been overcome
  • Concrete evidence of excellent communication between all stakeholders & commitment to working and learning rapidly and delivering high-quality software frequently

Diversity and Inclusion Award

Awarded to the company, team, or person that has shown a long-term commitment to Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) within their culture

Judges will be looking for:

  • They must be able to highlight their D&I strategy and how it has had a positive impact on their business
  • Judges will be looking at aspects such as leadership’s commitment to diversity (e.g. appointing a Chief Diversity / Equality Officer),
  • Representation of diversity at all levels of the organisation, equal access to opportunity, fair treatment practices, diversity education and training, etc

Best Advancing Software Testing Practice

Awarded to the outstanding person, team, or initiative that has made a positive contribution to the software testing profession. This is in recognition of those that go above and beyond to make the testing industry or practice better. It means breaking down barriers, thinking beyond our employers or clients, and using our skills and knowledge for the betterment of the profession. Judges will be looking for:

  • Evidence that individuals or teams have engaged beyond the boundaries of their team, organisation, or sector, to collaborate, influence, or enhance how testing is performed elsewhere
  • Evidence that nominees have shared knowledge, pooled resources, or worked together e.g. held conferences (virtual or physical), created websites, podcasts, or created and contributed to communities.
  • Evidence that nominees have contributed to thought leadership, enhancing the way software testing is conducted.
  • Evidence that nominees have performed outreach to early career testers, to schools or education, encouraging new people to the profession

Best Test Automation Project – Functional

The award for the best use of automation in a functional software testing project. Judges will be looking for:
  • Verification of functional requirements has been met or exceeded
  • Utilisation of a well-developed test suite of testing scripts
  • Demonstrate the impact of functional testing on the confidence of the project and the deployment into production.
  • Detailed Discussion  of project goals, importance, achievements, resources, and successful results
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles

Best Test Automation Project – Non-Functional

The award for the best use of automation in a non-functional software testing project. Judges will be looking for:
  • Detailed discussion of non-functional requirements has been met or exceeded
  • Validation of the non-functional tests were representation of real-world conditions
  • Demonstrate the impact of non-functional testing on confidence of the project and the deployment into production.
  • Verification of project goals, importance, achievements, resources and successful results
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles

Best Use of Technology in a Project

Awarded for outstanding application of technology in a testing project.
Judges will be looking for:

  • Detailed Discussion of project goals, importance, achievements, and successful results
  • Demonstration of Cutting-edge and fit-for-purpose technology was correctly and effectively used
  • Illustration of training and upskilling team & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles​

Testing Newcomer of the Year

This is awarded to a newcomer from all walks of life that has made an impact in the testing industry.
Judges will be looking for:

  • Evidence of outstanding commitment and development in their new Testing career
  • Proof of a commitment to the greater Testing community and dedication to championing Testing practices
  • Testament of outstanding communication skills, with both internal and external stakeholders
  • Examples of procedures/technologies put in place to ensure high quality results
  • Evidence of self-improvement and commitment to high standards

Testing Champion of the Year

Awarded to the most outstanding overall testing team of the year.
Judges will be looking for:

  • Discussion of targets achieved through effective teamwork.
  • Highlight the ability to work with a dev/business/product owner around potentially changing requirements.
  • Demonstration of strong team ethos and Excellent people management and communication skills
  • Evidence of achieving project aims and targets through effective leadership
  • Evidence and Evaluation of problem-solving and self-improvement within the team

Testing Team of the Year

Awarded to the most outstanding person over the last 12 months
Judges will be looking for:

  • Demonstrate what they did to build, support, nurture, develop and motivate a team to become successful
  • Evidences that are both quantitative (measurable metrics or technical elements that show statically what has been achieved) and qualitative (feedback from the team, project stakeholders, senior’s organisation leaders or customer/users).
  • Examples of procedures put in place to ensure high quality results
  • Evidence and evaluation of self-improvement and commitment to high standards

Testing Leader of the Year

Awarded to the most outstanding team leader over the last 12 months.
Judges will be looking for:

  • Demonstrate what they did to build, support, nurture, develop and motivate a team to become successful
  • Judges will look for characteristics like self-awareness, decisiveness, fairness, enthusiasm, integrity, knowledge, creativity and imagination as well as thought leadership and endurance
  • Examples of procedures put in place to ensure high quality results
  • Evidence and evaluation of self-improvement and commitment to high standards

Best Overall Testing Project – Electronic Communication

Awarded to the most outstanding testing project in the communication sector. Judges will be looking for:

  • Detailed Discussion of project goals, importance, achievements, resources and successful results.
  • Evidence of great vision, forward-thinking & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget
  • Demonstration of a successful software testing project utilising a best practice method/technique
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles

Best Overall Testing Project – Finance

Awarded to the most outstanding testing project in the finance sector. Judges will be looking for:

  • Detailed Discussion of project goals, importance, achievements, resources and successful results.
  • Evidence of great vision, forward-thinking & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget
  • Demonstration of a successful software testing project utilising a best practice method/technique
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles

Best Overall Testing Project- Public Sector/Services (including charities and NGOs)

Awarded to the most outstanding testing project in the Public Sector. Judges will be looking for:

  • Detailed Discussion of project goals, importance, achievements, resources, and successful results.
  • Positive impact to the public sector
  • Evidence of vision, forward-thinking & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the transformation on time and within budget
  • Key performance indicators used to measure the programme’s success
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
  • Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team

Best Overall Testing Project – Retail

Awarded to the most outstanding testing project in the retail sector. Judges will be looking for:

  • Detailed Discussion of project goals, importance, achievements, resources and successful results.
  • Evidence of great vision, forward-thinking & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget
  • Demonstration of a successful software testing project utilising a best practice method/technique
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles

Most Innovative Project

Awarded for the project that has significantly advanced the methods and practices of software testing. 
Judges will be looking for:

  • A project that has significantly advanced the methods and practices of Software Testing and quality assurance Implementation.
  • Clear demonstration of the innovative nature of the project – what was the driver for innovation and how was it achieved?
  • An attempt to push boundaries within the Software Testing Industry.
  • Discussion of project goals, importance, achievements, resources and successful results
  • Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles

Leading vendor – Tools & Technology

Entries will demonstrate evidence of the following:
Judges will be looking for:

  • How the use of tools and technology has changed the outcomes for their client/customer. This should be clear and unambiguous. Statistics and numbers should be used to show the impact (this might be time, cost, sales or market improvement, or something more personal such as staff wellbeing or society impact).
  • What were the challenges in implementing the solution? Demonstrate what was unique about this project. What were the expectations of the customer/client and how did the vendor meet or exceed these? Statistic are welcome but client/customer feedback is often more powerful in this element.
  • How will the technology or tools be maintained? Does this pose significant ongoing cost, support or unique skills? Is the client/customer well prepared for short, medium and long term usage of the solution?
  • Have the solutions provided new or unique ways of software testing that can help other clients or customers in the future?

Leading vendor – Service Delivery & Consulting

Entries will demonstrate evidence of the following:
Judges will be looking for: 

  • How have the vendors understood the brief? This needs to be more than just the aims of a specific short term project. Do the vendors understand the organisation history and values? How have they contributed to the mission of the organisation?
  • Value for money. How have the vendors ensured that the clients/customers have obtained the best value for money? This should show an understanding of costs verses benefits, and how the vendor is ensuring that they have delivered what other vendors could not do.
  • This is not about scale. Impact is more important. Achieving big results with small resources is more impressive than average results with large resources. If it is a large project and team, then show the judges what is significantly above expectations. Articulate the benefits and the odds against achieving this with the resources you had.
  • Ongoing value. What have the vendors done to promote an ongoing benefit to the client, while minimizing the cost? How to clients obtain support and how are ongoing relationships strengthened?